Build your own event emitter using only native DOM APIs

Using EventTarget and CustomEvent, we can create our own event emitter, no library needed

· 3 min read
Bubbles floating in the foreground of a beautiful landscape

The Event emitter pattern (maybe better said as the observer pattern) is a bedrock in the JavaScript ecosystem. It’s a well-known, useful pattern for decoupling concerns in an application. Many codebases I’ve worked on use a library such as eventemitter3 or mitt. But did you know that you can techically use built-in DOM APIs to get the same functionality, no library needed? 🤯

To accomplish this, we’ll use EventTarget and CustomEvent.

let eventEmitter = new EventTarget();

eventEmitter.addEventListener('my-event', console.log);
// this logs an object like this:
// CustomEvent { type: 'my-event', detail: 123, ... }

eventEmitter.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('my-event', { detail: 123 }));

eventEmitter.removeEventListener('my-event', console.log);

That’s it. I know, it’s a little verbose, but that can be changed. The API should probably be familiar to you, but let’s go over what everything does.


This is a core DOM API that other DOM classes like Element, Window, or XMLHttpRequest inherit from. We can leverage it in our own code as well and inherit from it: class MyClass extends EventTarget { ... }. When we construct our own EventTarget, all events dispatched through it are done synchronously like node.js or other libraries, but unlike the DOM, which emits events asynchronously.


CustomEvent is basically identical to the Event class (base class used by the DOM to emit ClickEvents, etc) except that it allows us to attach custom data to it. So here we specify the event name and data attached to it:

new CustomEvent('my-event', {
  detail: 123

detail can be anything you want, even another object. Sort of a strange API but that’s how it was designed. If you don’t have any additional information to dispatch along with your event, you can just use new Event('my-event') instead. If you want to go crazy, note that you can also extend CustomEvent and pass your subclass to EventTarget.

Making a nicer API

In a small amount of code, we can adapt it to a more common node.js style API:

If I was to use this pattern in an application that’s more than a one-off project, I’d consider encapsulating it like this just in case I needed to swap out the implementation later.

The pros and cons

By using EventTarget, you get some interesting functionality for free that you don’t get with most libraries:

  • Events can be canceled via the familiar event.preventDefault(). This means that if one event handler cancels the event, any subsequent handlers are not called. This ability is configurable with the cancelable property passed to the CustomEvent constructor (see above).
  • once functionality (mitt doesn’t have this) – an event handler is removed after it is called once.
  • Duplicate events handlers aren’t added. For example, if I add the same callback listener and options multiple times, it’s only registered once. This can help prevent memory leaks for you automatically.
  • Sense of superiority that you didn’t bloat your bundle with yet another npm package.

Some downsides though:

  • verbose
  • lots of DOM related stuff around bubbling and DOM elements that don’t apply when using it like this
  • no IE support, and ironically, lots of legacy IE properties like srcElement and returnValue
  • can’t ever manually manipulate the event listener list or have a method like prependEventListener

Well, this was fun. There’s a lot of interesting corners of the DOM API that are fun to explore. Even if you never use this in actual code, I think knowing about it leads to a deeper understanding of the DOM, which is valuable.